VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Sweden
Auteur : coraliet1
Date de création : 31-08-2010
posté le 31-08-2010 à 20:44:09



Hello everybody..

Today, it makes already one week and a half that I'm arrived in Sweden. I already learn a lot of things about Swedish life. I can write everything and with which subject should I begin.

First of all, the student life in a Swedish Campus.

I live with a polish girl,we share one appatment but we don't have two seperate rooms.It 's a little bitte complicated to feel very confortable in a small appartment. We should have just 20 squares meters and so it's no a lot of place specialy in the Bath room.When I arrived she already buy a lot of thing like chair or cupboard...The residence is really nice and the atmosphere during the first week was so fun. Everybody was so exiting and a lot of parties were organised in the kichen. The kitchen, a convivial room, where everybody cook in the same time. It isn't always well organised but we can eat together and speak english. I really like this athmosphere.



dana ray le 25-07-2011 à 21:03:56
are about 30 residence for students. Some of them is just for swedish people but there are many exchange students. We are about 250 exchange students and 600 free movers. Everybody can't live on the campus. Some of them live ouside the city. It's very far so I very lucky. The campus is a nice place. I think a lot of Swedisch Universities are really modern. My residence was built two years ago. The equipment are almost new and

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lapinbleu2 le 01-09-2010 à 08:39:26
kikoo !!

bienvenue parmi nous et trés longue vie à ton blog..

belle journée ensoleillée..

AnNiVeRsAiRe SuR tOn BlOg.... ****

Pour cela, laisse moi ta dàte d'anniversaire, celles de tes enfants, petits enfants, époux, épouse.. Et aussi ta date d'anniversaire de mariage en commentaire sur mon blog avec bien sùr ton adresse de blog.... Tout cela si tu le souhaites bien sùr..

Je m'occupe du reste.. Hi.. Hi.. Hi.. Tu le regretteras pas.. C'est vraiment marrant.. Et trés convivial..

Je compte sur toi pour faire passer le message si ça te derrange pas.. Et que tes contacts fassent la mème chose s'ils le peuvent....

Voici l'adresse de mon blog :

A diffuser parmi tes contacts, famille, amis et connaissances si tu peux, mème sils n'ont pas de blog.... Ils pourront au moins lire l'histoire du jour pour bien commencer la journée.... Merci !!!! ****
lafianceedusoleil le 31-08-2010 à 20:53:34
coucou Coralie,

bienvenue sur Vef !

bonne chance.
